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HST 80x80 Et le bleu du ciel me confirmait que le temps s'était arrêté...
HST 80x80 la psychologie du Si bémol...
HST 60x80 The shadow of your smile...
HST 81x100 In the summertime you can touch the sky...
HST 80x80
Oil on canvas, Kate Carmen, back to Armenistis...
Oil on canvas, Kate Carmen, french Riviera #2
Oil on canvas 80x80 Kate Carmen, french Riviera...
HST 80x80 French Riviera, back from the beach...
HST 81x100 Kate Carmen in Messakti beach, Ikaria island...
HST 81x100 Kate Carmen in Kerame, Ikaria island...
HST 60x80 We are not heroes...
HST 80x80 Kate Carmen plays snooker...
HST 60x80 Voyages...
HST 80x80 Tamara à Cabasson...
HST 80x80 Kate Carmen at Blue Pigeon bar...
HST 54x65 Pique-nique à la plage...
HST 54x65 Pique-nique à la plage, suite...
HST 80x100 Kate Carmen with her Cox...
HST 100x80 Oh la belle vie...
HST 100x100 Parfois l’on retrouve dans les rêves la lumière de ce moment précis…
HST 54x65  Somme toute...
HST 100x100 Kate Carmen à la piscine...
HST 80x80
HST 89x116
HST 50x50  Oups, pas facile à mettre ce truc...
HST 60x60 Hommage à une amie fidèle, trop tôt disparue...
HST 80x80 En dessous, la beauté pure...
HST 100x100 Sur ma Vespa, je suis bien...
HST 100x73 Kate Carmen regagnant sa 356...
HST  116x89 En Vespa...
HST 80x80 Entre toi et le bleu...
HST 100x100 Histoire d'0...
HST 80x100 Et mes yeux dans tes yeux...
HST 73x100 Pauline à la plage...
Black romance... huile sur cartons entoilés
HST 73x100 La montée des marches...
Hey Joe... huile sur cartons entoilés
HST 89x116 Il est temps de s'en aller...
HST 90x90 Déjeuner en paix...
HST 116x89 Kate Carmen, Les Sables...
HST 100x100 Un été sans fin...
HST 73x100 Comme la vague irrésolue...
HST 70x70 Sur la plage abandonnée...
HST 89x116 Oh, Johnny Johnny.
20x20 Cuz I'm a boomer...
HST 20x20 In the pocket...
HST 89x116 Dans ma Jag je suis bien...
HST 30x30 La lumière est divine...
HST 100x100 Un après-midi de soleil...
9 Laques sur cartons entoilés 15x15
HST 100x100 Queen of the road... La Rochelle
HST 50x50 L.A.Woman...
HST 100x100 Âme fifties... #210629
HST 30x30 Summer of love...#210616
HST 60x81 Âme fifties...#210526
HST 50x50 Converse Addict...
HST 54x65 Âme fifties...#210520
HST 80x80 Fan des sixties...
HST 100x100 Idéal masculin?
HST 80x80 Kate Carmen's lover...
HST 100x120 Winter Kiss...
HST 30x30 La vie en rose...
HST 30x30
HST 80x100 Kate Carmen, rue Royale...
HST 120x120 L'indolence est une science...
HST 80x80  Âme fifties...#200923
HST 100x120 Converse addict...
HST 100x100 Tes yeux bleu marine...
HST 100x100 Swimmin' pool... #200623
HST 100x100 Le soleil au zénith...
HST 100x100 Âme fifties...#200525
HST 100X100 Que n'ai-je pu t'accompagner sous l'écume...
HST 100x100 Et tes doigts délicats...
HST 100x100 Matin Toscan... #200501..
HST 80x120 Swimmin' pool... #200430
HST 100x100 T'as d'beaux pieds tu sais..
HST 100x100 La vie en bleu...
HST 80x100 The world was on fire..
HST 100x100 Kate Carmen, Île d'Yeu...
HST 80x100 Rue de Siam...#20200202
HST 100x100 Âme fifties...#191220
HST 100x100 Âme Fifties...#191120
HST 100x100 La cuffia gailla... #191113.
HST 100x100 Âme fifties...
HST 100x100 Jamaïca sunset...
100x100 Un instant d'éternité..
HST 100x100 Week end à Rome...
HST 80x100 L'envol..
HST 100x80   #190516
HST 100x100 Blue Cab... #190323
HST 80x80 Belita's dance... #190312
HST 100x100.  Guapa2...#190523
HST 89x130  #190109
HST 100x100 The End... #181202
HST 100x100 The End... #180905
HST Black panther...
HST 100x100 Kate Carmen, rue Royale...
HST 100x100 Kate Carmen, road to Key West...#180618
HST 100x100 Kate Carmen, Bequia...   #180112
HST 100x100 Swimmin' pool... #170924
HST 120x100 Surf boyz... #170213
HST 120x100 Surf girls, Baradal... #180224
HST 80x120 Black beauty...  #180501
HST 100x100 Swimmin' pool...  #180122
HST 120x100 Surf girl...#180223
HST 100x100 Surf boy...18040
HST 80x80 Red vermilion...  #161029
HST 80x80 Red lipstick...
HST100x100 Belita's dance...
HST 80x100 Splash...  #190216
HST 100x73 Danuvia...
HST 100x100, Sortant de sa Pontiac 1966, Kate Carmen s'en va vers la plage de Santa Monica...
HST 150x120 Kate Carmen, Trouville... #170212
Huile sur carton, 80x60, Blurred lines,
Huile sur carton #141222
HST 90x90 Guantanamera...
HST 80x80 Blue eyes...#161113
HST 100x120 Pink Cadillac 59..Donation
HST 30x30 Blond, le soleil blond...  Vendu
HST 97x130 Elle aurait aimé que l'été ne finisse jamais...  Vendu
HST 90x90 Entre toi et le bleu...  Vendu
HST 100x100 Road 66...   Vendu
HST 100x100 Swimmin' pool... #200424 Vendu
Donation Inner Wheel
HST 89x116 La belle saison est proche...
HST 80x80 Anglaise en promenade...
HST 120x120         #220222
HST 100x100  #220401
HST 100x100  Swimmin' pool...  #180123
HST 100x120 Swimmin' pool... #200502
HST 100x120 Un été à Ramatuelle...
HST 100x100 Introspection matinale...
HST 89x116 Our song...
HST 80x100 Viens, les vins vont aux plages.
HST 120x80 Indolence...
HST 80x100 Amour du soleil...
HST 40x40 Blowin' in the wind...
HST 80x100 Je suis Zéphir...
HST 65x81 Levi's on the beach...
HST 80x100 Swim season with Kate Carmen...
HST 80x80 Summertime blue...
Commande pour un particulier...
HST 80x100 Dolphin swimming... #190712
HST 80x100 Blue dolphin... #190706
HST 80x100 Rue Royale...
HST100x100 Ce si doux zéphir..
HST 100x100  Guapa...#180624
HST 100x100 Alba Italiana...
HST 100x100 Swimmin' pool... #170926
HST 100x100 Au long de mes jambes...
HST 80x80 Blue sunglasses...
HST 54x61 La robe bleue...
HST 100x100 Swimmin' pool...#191122
HST 100x120 Sous le soleil...#191010
HST 81x65 Kate Carmen, Tobago cays...#160913
HST 100x100 Yellow cap... #190704
HST 80x100  Oh Lord...
HST 80x80 Ain't no sunshine when she is
HST 100x100 Swimmin'  pool...
HST 100x100 Kate Carmen...
Kate Carmen, Nice...
HST 100x100 Kate Carmen, Miami...
HST 100x100 Swimmin' pool...
The End... Car wash
HST 60x81 Un long baiser fini...
HST 55x46 Un long baiser fini...
HST 100x100 Siesta Key Beach...
HST 100x100 Swimmin' pool...
HST 80x120 Try to remember...
HST 100x100 Swimmin' pool...
Aller vers Yeu...
HST 89x116  Aller vers le bleu... Vendu
HST 80x80 Bleu citron... Vendu
Deuche on the beach...
HST 100x100 Where is my swimsuit? Vendu
HST 50x61 Kate Carmen, Villa Reine Jeanne...Collection particulière
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